The Plate Unknown

Learning Through Food
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World Food Culture

Secrets Revealed

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Katie and Matt, authors of The Plate Unknown

Travelling and eating, but mainly eating

Welcome to The Plate Unknown, thanks for stopping by!

We are Matt and Katie, founders of The Plate Unknown. We’re a married couple with a passion for all things food – eating food, learning about food and cooking food!

Between us, we have 30 years of experience in the food and drink industry. Now, we want to share our knowledge and passion with you.

We believe that food is more than just fuel. That every mouthful holds a story of where that ingredient has come from or how that recipe came together. And we want to share these stories with you! 

Here, we will share all things travel food. You’ll find facts and stories about food from around the globe, celebrating world food culture. We will also show you how to plan the best food-based trips around the world. This is something we live our lives by. Soon, our plan is to set off on a worldwide journey with our compass pointing towards food.

Join us on our adventure!

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The Plate Unknown is an educational food blog. Here we share information about world food culture, the origin of dishes from around the world, and tips for taking a food-focused trip.  

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