Hello! We're Katie and Matt

World Travellers & Food Enthusiasts

All About Us

Hello and welcome to The Plate Unknown: your one-stop destination for all things travel food related. 

Here, you will find world food culture, food stories and tips for planning a food-focused trip. We share everything we Learn Through Food in this (awesome!) travel food blog.

That pair in the header? Well, we’re the faces behind The Plate Unknown: Matt and Katie (the tall one’s Matt, the little one’s Katie). Still want to know a little bit more about us?

Well, we are (relatively) recently married and have both worked in the food and drinks industry since our first paychecks. With almost 30 years of industry experience under our belts, we knew it was time to hang up our very worn-in shoes! And so, The Plate Unknown was born. This is our biggest adventure yet, and one we want to share with you all.

Nothing interests or excites us more than food. But the passion runs deeper than just being gluttons who want second portions (although we would never say no!) We love to learn about where food came from; the stories behind each recipe; and how the dishes have travelled the world. Each bite is a little piece of history, and we believe it should be respected.

The stories deserve to be shared though, which you will find here. Read the tales of food culture from around the world. The excitement of the different ingredients and cooking skills. Then, when your tastebuds are tingling, we will share our top travel planning tips for trips where food is the number one priority.

So, what are you waiting for? Now you know all about us, join us on our journey!

The Faces Behind The Words



Eater, Photographer, Story-Teller

Katie started life as a fussy eater. She became a pro at hiding all the bits of her dinner she didn’t want to eat. But that all changed when she flew the nest for university. There, she discovered dishes she had never tried before – or thought she wouldn’t like! This newfound passion kickstarted weekly dinner parties to try out recipes on unsuspecting taste testers. From there the obsession with food just kept on growing.

Her passion for photography comes from her Dad whose hobby it has been for many years. The priority for Katie is to ensure she has amazing photos to go with the incredible memories (especially as her memory isn’t that great!) Much to Matt’s annoyance she frequently stops, for apparently no reason, to take a snap.

Having been the guinea pig for Matt’s food experiments for years, Katie is now prepared to try everything and anything the world has to offer.

Favourite food: Dumplings
Heart lives in: Rwanda
Most prized possession: Camera



Researcher, Writer, Food Lover

Matt’s food obsession started at an early age. With his parents love for trying new things and travelling to new places, he caught the adventurous bug early.

He started working in Hospitality in the bars of Dundee University’s Students Union. Then, after graduating he moved into Fine Dining as a Restaurant Manager and Sommelier. This exposure, working alongside some of the best chef’s in the UK, pushed him to seek out the best restaurants in the world. Holidays were always chosen based on food, with hours of planning to find the best places to eat. Then, of course, saving for months on end so we could sample the best the world had to offer.

Now, as a travel food enthusiast, Matt wants to learn more about how food culture developed around the world. For him, the best part of any trip is enjoying the traditional dishes of the locals in each country.

Favourite food: Pasta
Heart lives in: Italy
Most prized possession: Kindle

Our Mission

To inspire others to learn more about the world around us through food.

We all have to eat, it’s the one thing that every human has in common.

The world over, our opinions, choices and access vary on all topics. From whether or not to marry; to have lots of kids or no kids; to study or to have a practical occupation, or not to work at all. But no matter who you are, or what choices are available to you: we all need to eat to survive. Food culture is universal.

Eating uniquely binds people together regardless of race, religion, nationality, sexuality, gender. Sharing food is the best way for people to come together and connect over an experience.

Global food culture is an ever-moving mosaic of rituals, routines, ingredient availability and tastes. It is constantly shifting as ingredients and ideas are passed between nations and peoples. Then they are adopted, tweaked, and improved becoming something exciting and new that is unique to a time and place.

With more people having access to a wider variety of foods than ever before in human history, we are at an incredible time of innovation and change in what we eat. Whilst some bemoan the loss of a “simpler and purer” past, others embrace the excitement these changes bring. We fall firmly into that second camp and want to share that excitement with you.

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The Plate Unknown is an educational food blog. Here we share information about world food culture, the origin of dishes from around the world, and tips for taking a food-focused trip.  

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